Expert-Check (Comprehensive appraisal)

Detailed classic car valuation with extensive inspection scope

A classic-analytics valuation is always as comprehensive as necessary. For brief value notifications, a Home-Check is sufficient, and for insurance classification, a classic car short Appraisal (Professional-Check) is needed.

In certain cases, a qualified expert needs to take a closer look and conduct a detailed inspection of a vehicle. For example, when

  • Insuring an exceptionally high-value car or motorcycle
  • Buying or selling a vehicle
  • Determining the extent of damage in an accident scenario

In these cases, our valuation partners create tailored appraisals, focusing closely on the specific task at hand. They base their valuations on market values researched by us. Typically, all inspection points from our classic car checklist are considered in this process:

  • Bodywork
  • Paint
  • Chrome / Trim
  • Seals / Rubber parts
  • Glass
  • Tyres
  • Passenger compartment
  • Engine compartment
  • Engine
  • Luggage compartment

Additionally, test drives, compression pressure diagrams, cavity analyses, etc., can be conducted.

The costs for an Expert-Check depend on its scope and are therefore determined directly by our valuation partners. They typically start at EUR 350.00.


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