Purchasing consultation

Protection against costly mistakes

Bargain or Blunder? Sometimes, it's even harder to tell with classic cars than with regular used vehicles. Each model has its own quirks and weaknesses. However, the biggest risk factor is the classic car buyer himself: when the long-sought dream car finally appears, reason takes a back seat, and the heart can turn even the rustiest old wreck into a desirable top-notch specimen.

Those who do not want to regret their decision later and are not 100% confident in evaluating a vehicle should trust the advice of an expert during the purchase. For instance, one of the classic-analytics classic car appraisers located all over Europe.

These are professionals with deep automotive expertise, able to quickly identify weak points and receive crucial additional information from the central office of classic-analytics regarding model-specific nuances.

It is you who determines the exact scope of the examination: it can range from a mere visual inspection with a telephone-based description of the condition to creating a photo series or even an extensive purchase report including compression tests and test drives.

The prices for purchase consultations vary greatly, so please contact one of our classic-analytics valuation partners directly for this.

We offer purchase consultations not only in Germany but also in the following countries:


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